Meet the microorganisms! 12 lovely beings waiting to find a connection.

🌐 Everywhere
Promiscuous, non-binary, versatile and polyamorous lot. Like to travel – ‘yours or mine’? Definitely yours, be my host! We enjoy: checking out new joints, diving anywhere, trying new skins for size. Voracious but solicitous, can’t get enough of good company. Looking for no-strings-attached fun: you bring the gear, we’ll take the lead. You don’t need to host your own travel channel but a valid BDSM passport is a must. Wanna join? Message us and let’s eat out, or in!…
Visual Description: A group of six hexagonal images arranged to form a diamond-shaped mosaic. In each, sections of an artichoke head come into contact with a human mouth, all enveloped by colourful threads, representing the absorptive qualities of bacteriophage.

🌐 Digestive tract
Looking for a long-term relationship. I love nature, big fields and good grass, cows and horses. Come to my farm and I’ll jump on you 🙂 I’m ready to give you all my love and all my protection, mostly against my evil sister named Smallpox. Fortunately, I’ve not seen her for a long time…Anyway, you wouldn’t like her!
Visual Description: The image shows a man standing below leafy trees, dressed in a white T-shirt covered with pine cones. He is wearing a hat covered with smaller pine cones. Another kind of pine cone is hanging from his ear by an orange string. On his face he wears light blue makeup interspersed with large pink ovoid shapes, one of them crossing his mouth. On the hand with which he pushes a branch aside he is wearing a white horse riding glove.

Giardia duodenalis
🌐 In animal intestines, travelling (via poop), or outside just waiting to be picked up
Have you got your shit together? Wanna let loose? I can help. Looking for a host who is a bit of an animal with extremely firm stools. Not into long-term commitment, just looking for a short-term dung-fling.
You won’t forget our time together. I’ll be dripping down your thighs when I’m done with you.
You’ll probably want treatment to get rid of me quickly afterwards…Can you accom?
Visual Description : The image shows Tammy lying in a brown shower, she is wearing a bright pink dress and a pearl necklace and her face is covered bright pink makeup with purple lipstick. Tammy is covered in brown liquid which also covers the brown shower and white tiles around her.

Leishmania mexicana
🌐 Sandfly gut and macrophages
I am a genderqueer parasite looking for a host who will appreciate a well travelled intracellular living individual. I will happily enlarge your spleen and liver 😉 My fatal party trick is rapidly growing a flagella and I can multiply like a boss!
Visual Description: The image shows Yasmine depicting the human immune cell macrophage being surrounded and infected with the parasite Leishmania. She is dressed a long Dashiki dress which is historically worn as a sign of black pride, sitting on an Ankara (wax print) cloth in the Kente design surrounded with red biohazard bags and dried allium flowers. Yasmine’s face is painted in blue representing the vibrant dyes used in cell staining such as methylene blue as well as the Coomassie blue dye used in protein work which originates from the city Kumasi in Ghana. Alliums surrounding the face represents the Leishmania parasites invading the macrophage, infecting it. The black and gold dots on her face represents the chaotic events that occurs within the macrophage. The intensity within Yasmine’s eyes depicts the feelings of hopelessness, pain and worry that the macrophage is going through as it gets infected and knows the future is bleak, also referencing Kathakali’s story-telling and drama. The mixture of Dashiki, Ankara and Kathakali eyes represents Yasmine’s mixed heritage, and represents the global presence of Leishmania from sub-saharan Africa to South Asia and further.

🌐 The brain
Dominant couple looking for short-term connections and intense pleasure. All you have to do is tell us your darkest and most desired fantasies and we will make your nerve endings stand to attention.
Visual Description: A close up of two human faces, their eyes looking intensely into the camera, with blue, pink and white makeup showing neurons and their connections. This image pays tribute to our microbial ancestors, that have provided the molecular machinery used by neurons to govern everything we do and who we are. It also highlights the complex interactions that neurons use that allow us to respond and adapt to an ever changing world, and also how they connect us to the world and to each other.

Mycorrhizal networks
Hyphal fungi
🌐 Connecting every plant or tree you see…
Hi! We’re an interwoven coven of funghi, practising ethical polyamory. We support plant and forest life, bacteria and many others. We provide non-violent communication across the entire globe! 💞🌿🍄🌲🌱🦠💞 Anyone who wants to coexist with us is welcome in our polycule! ☮️✌️
We’re great listeners, love sharing signals with each other and our ecosystem, and adore a good gossip! We also love eating together with our neighbours – sharing of resources is mandatory!
Visual Description: A head and shoulders photograph of a fat, femme white person, wearing pale foundation, black lipstick, and a smokey dark eye in a 90’s goth look, laying on the mossy and leafy forest floor. They have curly teal green hair, which is flicked up on the ground behind them, like curly tendrils in the moss. In one hand they hold a number of tarot cards, with roughly printed designs of mushrooms and roots abstractly overlapping in bright yellows and blues. In the other hand, they hold the handset of an old fashioned telephone, in shiny cherry red. Their expression is scandalized, as if they’ve just heard a very juicy piece of gossip over the phone.

Ophiocordyceps unilateralis
🌐 Tropical forests
Would like to meet: Ants 🐜🐜🐜 I have been called controlling in the past, but I’m just intense! I just want a committed relationship with someone who’ll really let me get inside their head.
If you want: ⛓✔️Lifestyle Dom – I’m happy to tie you up and give you orders. 🧠 ✔️Deep and lifelong mental and physical connection. We’re defo compatible! No time wasters, I promise we’ll be together for the rest of your life.👯♂️🤗
Visual Description: Rod Dillon and partner Viv performing in an image to depict the fungus Cordyceps as part of the endosymbiotic love calendar. Rod is dressed in a full length yellow robe with yellow material draped around his arms, dead branches extend from his hidden hands. Rods head is covered in a yellow hood. Another set of arms appear to extend from Rods shoulders, these are actually Vivs arms, she is hidden behind him. Rod has a heavily made up face, the design idea is based loosely on some of the make up of Leigh Bowery, the Australian performer. Streaks of black run down the front of his face, eyes are set in red and black make up. Rod has a far way, trance-like look in his eyes, indicating the desire of Cordyceps to control the infected ant. The Cordyceps character as depicted by Rod and Viv is set in a densely wooded area with dead branches and leaves strewn around the area. The yellow costume is a reference to the gothic horror fictional character the King in Yellow. This Victorian era play about the king in yellow induces despair and madness in those who read it.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Unicellular fungi
🌐 Widely found in nature
💜🖤Mainly asexual & Genderless Pink Pigmented Party Babe! My pheromone levels are through the roof, so I’m seeking a Partner for a no string shmoo! Working hard & Playing harder since the days of the Pharaohs! 💜🖤❤️ w o r k b i t c h ! making stuff 💉🍞🍺⛽️💊🍷🧬sugar – omg sweetest tooth in the world. ❤️🚫💩🚫NO PLAYER HATERS!
Visual Description: The image shows the artist Conway’s head. They are wearing a costume of pink netting material to represent the pink yeast. They have a silver ring through their nose. In the image are three pink marshmallows that represent the sugar food required by the yeast. One of these is above their right eyebrow, the second covers their left eye and the third one is in their mouth. Pink glass beads are set around their mouth and left eye. Their face has heavy make up and their hair is dyed pink.

🌐 Digestive tract
Looking for a short but intense relationship. If you give me a kiss, I will turn you on. A special toy I have, a kind of sophisticated syringe might interest you. Let’s go to paradise.
Visual Description : The image shows a man from the 1800s named Lord Walter V, who is a greedy aristocrat from the 1800s. In the background is a gold curtain. He is wearing a white wig, a gold and grey jacket with eccentric shoulder pads, and a traditional fan neck piece. His makeup is grey and purple, giving it a stone effect. He has a snobby and pompous facial expression, and he looks very ill. Around his face is a head piece made from blue chip paper that represents the Shigella that is about to invade his intestines.

Strombidium purpureum
Marine ciliate
🌐 Basking in moonlit seas
Looking for other to explore intimate, symbiotic love. Describe myself in three words? Deep, transparent, and unconventional. Lover of sound waves, disco lights and glow sticks. There’s nothing quite fantastic like edible plastic. Favourite activity: skinny-dip nights in hazy salty waters. Care to dive into my ocean and let me take your breath away?
Visual Description : A picture containing white wall tiles speckled with colours, their shimmer breaking through the silhouette of a dark, unidentifiable figure wearing reflective glasses and covered in translucent lights and materials. The purple aura and the juxtaposition effect melding background and foreground evokes the tonal and symbiotic nature of Strombidium purpureum.

Tulip breaking virus
🌐 Hopefully in your secret garden
Infectious, striking type looking for a sapiosexual to indulge our morbid love for literature, history, and death. Once you get to know us, the memory will remain etched on your skin. Beauty is in the bulb of the beholder. Let’s ignite our two-lips chasm and burn out in scarlet flames of passion.
Visual Description : A picture framing a pair of light blue, textured Y-front briefs; a section of skin showing stretch marks; some tulip bulbs and hands covered in glossy, purple gloves. Those elements appear in motion and contact. The effect is one of superimposition and fragmentation resonating with the aesthetic expression and physical impression of the Tulip breaking virus on the flower’s petals.

🌐 Insects and other invertebrates
I am perfect as I am. So are you. Men will tell us that we aren’t. Let’s wipe them out together. If you like men more than insects then it’s a dealbreaker for me!
Visual Description: The image shows Tammy sitting on a pink throne, wearing a blonde wig, white make up and bright red lipstick which matches with her tights. She’s lowering her sunglasses with one hand to look at the camera, which is possitioned at the level of her shoes – shiny massive black heels.